- Academy for Educational Development
- Alliance for Childhood
- American Fedaration of Teachers
- American Psychological Association
- American School Health Association and Development
- Bank Street College of Education
- Canadian Association for Young Children
- Center for Children and Families
- Centers for Disease Control and Human Service
- Child Care Exchange
- Child Devolopment Inc.
- Child Rights Information Network
- Children, youth and families education and research network
- Childrens Foundation
- Crafts for Kids
- Creative Curriculum
- DLTK’s site
- Drama-Related Resources
- http://www.childdrama.com/lessons.html
- http://www.spolinist.com/
- http://www.assitej.org.tr/
- www.youthstages.com
- http://www.spolin.com
- Early Education in U.K.
- Foundation for Child Development
- High Scope Educational Research Foundation
- Early Child Development
- Everything Preschool
- Enchanted Learning
- Initiatives Inc.
- Invest in Kids
- KinderStart
- National Center for Educational Statistics
- National Fatherhood Initiative
- National Network for Child Care
- Montessori
- Montessori Namta
- Preschool Education
- Preschool Link Express
- Reading is Fundamental
- Reggio Emilia Approach
- Save the Children
- Scholastic Lesson Plans
- Sesamestreet
- Talaris Research Institude
- Teaching Strategies in Early Childhood
- Technology & Young Children
- The Consultative Group on Early Childhood Care
- The Future of Children
- The New York University Child Study Center
- U.S. Department of Education
- UDEL edu.:Association for Childhood Education International
- Waldorf Approach
- Zero to three
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